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Rags to Riches for Jake
Jake, who was originally named Elvis arrived in the UK in 2020 with a group of Galgos. They were then taken under the welcoming and...

The top six mistakes dog owners make during whistle training and how to fix them.
Dog owners have been warned that making frequent mistakes in whistle training can lead to problematic behaviours in pets. The dog...

Stay Out of the Water: Dogs Trust Urges Dog Owners toAvoid Ice and Flood Water
With the country facing a number of weather and flood warnings, Dogs Trust, the UK’s largest dog welfare charity, has issued its own...

Kick off your 2025 fitness goals by running with your dog - expert tips to get you and your pup ready
It is no secret that when January rolls around many Brits have been penning New Year’s resolutions that include getting more exercise....

Pawsitive Resolutions: How walking your dog in the nation’s forests can boost your wellbeing this New Year
As we kick off 2025, what better way to show our pups some love than by exploring the nation’s beautiful forests together? Our dogs do so...

Search launched for the UK’s favourite cats
Cat owners across the UK are being invited to nominate their pets for the UK’s biggest celebration of cats – the National Cat Awards. The...

‘Miracle’ kittens thriving after being found abandoned in carrier on Christmas Eve
Three tiny kittens are safe in charity care after being found filthy, hungry and abandoned in a carrier on Christmas Eve. A the one tabby...

Bramley’s Last Post – Story of a Rescue Dog
This will be ma last postie as I am orf on a long journey over da bridge. Now don’t be sads for me cos I hab habs a good life...

This Christmas...One Click Can Change a Life
From the hearts of Border Collie Trust GB... comes a story of compassion, kindness, and second chances

Dogs Trust West Calder seeks new home for their ‘tallest ever pooch
Great Dane Crossbreed Harley is Dogs Trust West Calder’s tallest ever resident at 76cm in height The-one-year-old weights 47kg – the same...

Abandoned puss with cleft lip lands on his paws with new family
A young cat with a cleft lip who was abandoned to live on the streets has landed on his paws and is thriving with his new family.

Scottish cat reunited with owner found 300 miles away in Coventry
A much-loved cat from Scotland has been reunited with his owner after mysteriously turning up 300 miles away in Coventry.
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